
Peelz for the Tandem TSlim

Peelz for the Tandem tslim!

This has been a hugely fun project to work on! Most of our products are made of a vinyl type material but we really wanted something special for the tslim! Instead of the normal material we searched for a screen protector that we could print on! Finally, through a really technical process of layering ink we are able to introduce the very first printable screen protector for an insulin pump! Pretty cool huh? Here are some photos!

Check them out for yourself here:

Peelz for the Tandem TSlim

Peelz for the Tandem TSlim





Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

We’ve had an incredible year. Emily and I took a road trip to the Students with Diabetes conference in Tampa, FL. We developed an amazing relationship with Dexcom and their distributors and I was finally able to walk away from my day job to pursue Pump Peelz full time.

It’s been an incredible year and we’re thankful for all of the folks at Dexcom, OmniPod, Medtronic, and of course the diabetes community for helping us to create wonderful products!

If you have any ideas or thoughts on new products that could making living with diabetes a little easier let us know and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates!

Have a wonderful start to a new year!


Pump Peelz for OmniPod

Pump Peelz for Dexcom

Pump Peelz for Dexcom

New Logo and Postcards Going Out for Pump Peelz

New Logo and Postcards Going Out for Pump Peelz

Watch out Dexcom, Medtronic, OmniPod, and VerioIQ! We’ve got some great new marketing material headed your way. These will be going out to clinics, hospitals, endo offices, and regional reps all over the country. If you want any email scott(at)

Screen Protectors for the Dexcom G4!

We finally have a really cool accessory for the Dexcom G4 continuous glucose monitor. Let us introduce the our all new screen protectors!!




These are clear screen protectors that are perfectly fitted for the G4. Talk about a cool Dexcom Accessory? After a lot of trial and error we also found that they can be printed on. We hope to have some patterns and designs for these screen protectors soon! Stay posted.



Minimed Paradigm Skins and continuing to Innovate

It is constantly challenging to find time to write! Tons of new things have happened in the past year and we are busier than ever. For those of you that follow us on Facebook and Twitter I’m sure you’ve seen our posts about getting married. If you missed the saga – take a look at our Facebook! For those that want the Reader’s Digest version : Here’s a photo from our wedding! Note the OmniPods and PumpPeelz all over our get-a-way car!

Pump Peelz and OmniPod Car

Emily and Scott’s Get-a-way car with Pump Peelz

A lot of folks have asked us to start creating new Peelz and quite frankly we’ve been planning on doing so all along. After attending the Students with Diabetes Conference in Tampa, we realized that the Medtronic Minimed pumps were extremely popular!  So we came back and went back to the drawing board to create the patterns. Let me introduce you to some of the new products!

Medtronic Minimed Paradigm 5 Peelz (skins)

Medtronic Minimed Paradigm 7 Peelz (skins)

We’ve got a few more products to introduce but I’ll save that for the next post! Enjoy and be feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

Halloween Peelz for the OmniPod, PDM, and Dexcom (Glow in the Dark too!!)

Are you looking to customize and decorate your Insulin Pump for Halloween? Over here at Pump Peelz we have taken some time and thought to make this Halloween especially fun.

Follow our journey here on Facebook:

Want to decorate your Pod is Frankenstein? Yep we can do that!1380479_411609002295290_100261367_n

How about decorating your pod as a cute Candy Corn?



But lastly, how cool would it be to have your diabetic products glowing at night?



Check out and be sure to place your order before we sell out!



Happy Halloween:-)

Pump Peelz Accessories for OmniPod, Dexcom, and VerioIQ


It’s been an unbelievable journey since we launched back in August! We’ve had so much help and support from the D Community and I really can’t thank you all enough:-) I have to especially thank Sarah Kaye (check out her blog here) for helping us develop these new products!

The All New Pump Peelz!!     531034_320634468059411_604033445_n

It’s official, we’re back up and running after taking a little hiatus after the holidays to develop some new products. You might notice that we are now working on products for the Dexcom G4VerioIQ, and the 2nd Gen OmniPod. We also have some great new products in the works – but that’s for a later blog!

Thanks to our Facebook friends we were able to learn about the types of designs and products that they cared most about. And of course, we are constantly learning so please give us your feedback – share your stories – and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

So what’s new in the world of Pump Peelz?

Lots of things are new here! But I should start off by thanking by beautiful bride-to-be, Emily, for her love and support through this! She’s the inspiration behind all of these great products and has been a huge help in getting this off the ground! Emily was diagnosed a few years ago and has since created a thriving photography business! Check out her work here:

As for the products, we’ve teamed up with Dexcom to provide really great new products for Dexcom G4 users! Check out this spring design:


We also developed an all new website! We’re now officially Shopify users to help speed up our ordering process! What do you think of the new site?


The new 2nd Gen Pod has proved to be rather tricky to work with! The steep curves created some challenges but we mustered through them to offer a really cool new design! To get the patterns – we used the very scientific method of trial and error with yellow tablet paper!

photo copy

And then we had to create some cool renderings to show off the designs!!


Now that we’re off to a new year and a new look, we hope that you enjoy the new products! We’ll be launching new designs every week so keep checking back!

Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook, twitter (@pumppeelz), and check out the new site (

Send us your photos and let us know what you think of the new products!